Directions to Venue

The Mii Campus

The conference will be held in the Media Center, Mii Campus, Kurume University.

The nearest station is JR Kurume Daigaku-mae 久留米大学前駅, the nearest bus stop Asazuma Bus Stop 朝妻.

Start here to get an overview of all the routes

Google Map Overview of places and routes

Mii Campus

The info in this section is subject to confirmation

From Fukuoka International Airport by Bus

Probably the easiest way from the airport

Links take you to Google Maps Route (or other timetable).

  1. From Airport: Take Expressway Bus 高速バス to Nishitetsu Kurume Station from Domestic Terminal 3 (45mins/1200yen).
  2. Take regular bus to Asazuma (12 mins/200yen, bus stop 3; No. 1, 8, 9, 40, 45, 48) [Map]
  3. Walk 400 meters to Mii Campus

From Fukuoka International Airport (via Hakata) by Train

Generally you will:

  1. Take Subway to Hakata Station (福岡市地下鉄空港線快速・西唐津行 6 mins)
  2. Take train to JR Kurume Station (Shinkansen 19 mins/2780yen, or Local: 35 mins/1070yen)
  3. (change at JR Kurume Station)
  4. Take Kyudai Line train to JR Kurume Daigaku-mae* or bus to Asazuma
  5. Walk 500 meters to Mii Campus

Use this Google Route (and change the time to suit you).

* This train is not always regular, so using the Shinkansen may make no difference. If you do miss the train connection a bus leaves every few minutes.

Getting to Nishitetsu Kurume Station by train

If you are staying near Nishitetsu Kurume Station (10 mins by bus from the venue), you can take the bus from the airport as noted above, or go via Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station.

  1. From Airport: Take Subway to Nishitetsu Fukuoka (Tenjin) Station.
  2. Walk 1 min to make transfer
  3. Change and take local train to Nishitetsu Kurume Station
  4. To make the venue itself use the bus instructions above

See on a Google Map Route.

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